Store Policy
Customer Care
We both take great pride in our work, and we are not afraid in going the extra mile to ensure our client's satisfaction. As in everything,communication is key and we are well aware of this.
After browsing through our products,feel free to contact us regarding any questions you might have. we will generally answer the same day, because we believe our effectiveness is a good way to show you our dedication and respect.
When i first met my partner, I was working as a sales consultant and he was a web designer. Needless to say,it was just a matter of time before we would unite our talents.Thanks for taking sometime to enjoy some "me time" to visit us.
Privacy & Safety
We do not store,collect or share your personal information. Once the transaction is made through PayPal, rest assured. We do, However,keep the list of the products we sold, as a possible referral for us in the future.
As soon as we receive your payment, We will contact you to let you know when we will go to ship your order. once this is done, We will send you 2 pictures: one of your stamped package, the other one of the receipt with the transaction number.
Payment Methods
We only accept payments through the safe and verified way, PayPal.